
I am an astronomer who has worked on fast radio transients, specifically, fast radio bursts and pulsars, SETI, and astronomical instrumentation. I started my astronomy career as a software consultant at Raman Research Institute, where I worked with Avinash Deshpande. This was followed by a PhD at West Virginia University with Duncan Lorimer, during which time I also collaborated with the CASPER group at the University of California Berkeley, where I worked with Dan Werthimer. Subsequently, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford with Aris Karastergiou's group. I have built instruments for fast transient search for the Arecibo telescope and the Green Bank Telescope. I have performed population statistics of radio pulsars in the Galactic centre and in globular clusters. I wrote the data splitter for SETI@home. In addition, I have also written signal processing software for fast transient data analysis.

I no longer work full-time as an astronomer, but continue to follow the field, and contribute the occasional paper. I am currently interested in planetary science, especially lunar and asteroidal studies.

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